Vladimir Ivanov

PhD, Kazan Federal University, Russia, Associate Professor, Director of Institute, Institute of Software Development and Engineering, Lab of Industrial Production of Software

  • Образование:

    Physics and Mathematics

Vladimir Ivanov received his PhD degree in Physics and Mathematics from Kazan State University in 2009. He worked as a Researcher/ Assistant Professor at Kazan Federal University (2005-2013), Head of Big Data and Text Analytics Lab at Kazan Federal University (2013-2015) as well as a Researcher at Innopolis University (2015-2018). Dr. Ivanov`s research interests include data analysis, machine learning, software engineering, computational linguistics, natural language processing, information extraction, text mining, software reliability, and software metrics. Vladimir Ivanov is a primary instructor for undergraduate courses: "Advanced Statistics" and "Practical Machine Learning and Deep Learning".

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