Vladimir Ivanov

PhD, Kazan Federal University, Russia, Associate Professor, Institute of Software Development and Engineering, Lab of Industrial Production of Software, Head, Lab of Natural Language Processing Methods in Software Engineering

  • Education:

    Physics and Mathematics

Vladimir Ivanov received his PhD degree in Physics and Mathematics from Kazan State University in 2009. He worked as a Researcher/ Assistant Professor at Kazan Federal University (2005-2013), Head of Big Data and Text Analytics Lab at Kazan Federal University (2013-2015) as well as a Researcher at Innopolis University (2015-2018). Dr. Ivanov`s research interests include data analysis, machine learning, software engineering, computational linguistics, natural language processing, information extraction, text mining, software reliability, and software metrics. Vladimir Ivanov is a primary instructor for undergraduate courses: "Advanced Statistics" and "Practical Machine Learning and Deep Learning".

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