Innopolis University Rector
Organizational structure

Alexander Vladimirovich Gasnikov

Academic and educational activities

The author of seven books, including the main monograph in Russia on Mathematical Modeling of Traffic Flows. The researcher publishes over 30 scientific papers per year. The total number of works by the mathematician in journals and collections of international conferences of level “A” has exceeded 200 articles.

Alexander Gasnikov began his scientific and teaching career in 2005 at MIPT, working at the Department of Mathematical Foundations of Control. Since 2015, Alexander Gasnikov has been teaching at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Higher School of Economics and conducting research projects at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems. In 2016, Alexander started teaching the course "Big Data mathematics" at Innopolis University. Three years later, Alexander ran a scientific team at MIPT working on a Huawei project, and a year later, he became the head of a group of scientists at the AI Center of the Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

From 2022, Alexander Gasnikov worked as the Head of the Department of Mathematical Foundations of Management and the Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Optimization at MIPT, as well as the academic director of the Applied Mathematics and Physics program at the School of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (MIPT). Before assuming the position of rector at Innopolis University, Alexander supervised the Laboratory of Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning at the Institute for Problems in Information Transmission and the Laboratory of Multiscale Neurodynamics for Intelligent Systems at Skoltech, combining it with the position of chief scientist at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology.