Lab of Artificial Intelligence in Game Development
Джанкарло Суччи
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Lab of Artificial Intelligence in Game Development

The scientific direction of the lab is to engage in the development of procedural content for games using generate and test methods, primarily those of evolutionary computation, verified by user study to enhance performance in the factors of user engagement and replayability. 

We work to promote the Russian creative and cultural industries via the design and development of state-of-the-art technologies from the domain of artificial intelligence. Such creative and cultural industries include game development, object design, music and poetry composition. We seak to support local and international games development industry via technology transfers, consulting, presentations, and development.

activity of the laboratory  

The main space of lab is used for the majority of actions and coordination, further, the lab maintains a small library of board games and other physical games in order to allow for both project planning, kitbashing, and experiential play. 

There is a high emphasis on not only research development, but on the educational methods of games. All members of the lab are at minimum graduates of the Instructional Skills Workshop and in many cases Trainers or Facilitators. 

The lab has been recognized for its achievements on a global scale and in 2020 Innopolis was placed on the Top 100 Institutions Active in Technical Games Research. The lab also has international relations with other such groups


Perceptual Knowledge Extraction of Rules

The role of this project is to apply the theory of affordances, as outlined by Gibson and revised by Don Norman, to a refined playtesting methodology that allows for games designers to find new roles for objects. The overall direction is in terms of the playtesting strategy from the perspective of increasing designer access to playtesting which allows for perceptions of game objects to be inferred with a variety of lens: Culture, Disability, Age, Sex, Gender, etc.