Social Sciences Lab
Джанкарло Суччи
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Social Sciences Lab

Given that the current humanitarian paradigm is anthropocentric, this laboratory investigates how homo socius connects with other individuals and the society. We aim to construct the model and process of a human’s social interactions.

Equally crucial to the laboratory are teaching methodology and instructing students. We teach students and consult teachers about effective teaching strategies (incl. foreign language teaching) and research basics (research text formatting and style, literature reviewing, paper structuring, etc). 

Head of Laboratory: Ruslan Saduov

Research Focus

- Linguistic anthropology: a multidisciplinary field on the verge of linguistics and social sciences. It addresses sociolinguistic identity, cultural linguistics, language ideology, linguistic landscape, etc.

- Professional development: practice-oriented research of professional development (acmeological approach) and professional identity fostering. Specifically, human capital development in IT is addressed.

- Political science and state management: political economy, state capitalism, state corporations, and state regulation are investigated.

- Teaching methodology: a field of applied linguistics addressing various aspects of teaching, including foreign language and academic writing instruction. International education is also a focal point.

- Translation theory and practice: fundamental and applied translation, including translation criticism and professional development.

- Human and machines: the impact of technology on human labor, including technological tools utility and the perception of digitalization outcomes.

- Language and culture of ethnic minorities: the problem of decaying languages and cultures in Russia's ethnic minorities is tackled.