Lab of Cyber-Physical Systems
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Cyberphysical Systems Laboratory

The lab focuses on software aspects of cyberphysical systems operation and development. In particular: 

- Software development: development approaches and tools able to support CPS development. In particular, it focuses on the applicability of Agile approaches and open source use to reduce the costs and the time-to-market. Moreover, it investigates the impact of such approaches on certification requirements. 

- Software quality: evolution analysis of software systems quality considering the maintenance requirements of CPS. Moreover, testing large systems is an important aspect that is considered from many points of view. 

- Data collection and analysis: with development of new connected devices the number of data sources is increasing dramatically. Identifying and managing useful information to create business value is a new challenge that is relevant in many application domains (e.g., prevent failures, schedule ad-hoc maintenance, usage monitoring, etc.) 

Laboratory Objectives

- Internationally excel in the research on the software and physical aspects of cyberphysical systems 

- Improve (reduce costs, shorten development time, increase quality, etc.) the development of CPS through:performing quantitative analysis of how software is produced, maintained, and operated; developing novel approaches to support software development; develop support tools; data analysis and prediction; modeling and simulation) 

- Train the new generation of researchers exposing them to both empirical and theoretical challenges

-Train the new generation of professionals able to address the evolving IT challenges providing them a strong theoretical and practical background


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Development of a methodology for the adaptation of the Agile approaches to the development of CPS


Development of a set of tools for the analysis of the quality of CPS


Definition of an agile requirements management approach for the development of CPS


Definition of an infrastructure for the collection, sharing, and analysis of quality data