Ivan Konyukhov

PhD, Kazan Federal University, Associate Professor, Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

  • Образование:

    Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, software packages

Ivan Konyukhov graduated from the Applied Mathematics Department of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Informational Technologies of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Russian Federation) in 2012 as mathematician and system programmer. In 2016 Ivan Konyukhov successfully defended his PhD thesis in physics and mathematics by specialty 05.13.18 — mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages in Kazan Federal University (Russian Federation). Since 2010 he has been holding different positions in the scientific-production center LLC «NPC Nefte-Gaz» (Sarov, Russian Federation) and has been working on the development of software packages aimed at improving of the oil production technologies. From 2012 to 2016 he worked as an assistant at the Applied Mathematics Department of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Russian Federation) and was engaged in scientific activities by the specialty and teaching different classes in mathematics and computer science. Since 2017 he has worked as a Researcher of Innopolis University and since January of 2019 he has been holding a position of a postdoctoral researcher of the laboratory of data analysis and machine learning in oil and gas industry.His field of scientific interests is mathematical and computer modeling of the oil fields penetrated by the systems of injecting and producing wells equipped with submersible centrifugal pumping units.

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