Sergei Savin

PhD, Southwest State University, Russia, Assistant Professor, Institute of Robotics and Computer Vision

  • Country:


  • Education:

    Southwest State University, Russia

  • Direction:

    Automation and control of technological processes and production

Sergei Savin has obtained a bachelor degree in Automation and Control and an engineering degree in Mechatronics at Southwest State University. He finished a postgraduate program in Dynamics and Reliability of Machines and Equipment and obtained a candidate of science degree in 2014. He currently holds positions of a Senior Researcher position at the Center for Technologies in Robotics and Mechatronics Components at Innopolis University and Associate Professor at the Institute of Robotics. His areas of interest include tensegrity robotics, walking robotics, in-pipe robots, optimal control, dynamics, variable stiffness actuators and machine learning. His current research is focused on compliant robotics and anthropomorphic bipedal robots.<br> <br> Until 2018 he worked as a Docent and Senior Researcher at the department of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics at Southwest State University where he gave lectures on Mathematical Modelling in Mechatronics and Robotics, Information System in Mechatronics and Robotics and on Information System of Mobile Robots for bachelor and master student programs. He authored more than 100 papers and is a co-author of textbooks on applied simulation methods in Robotics.<br> <br> Worked on 11 funded projects, including grants from Russian Scientific Foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research and others; was the principle investigator of 6 funded projects, worth 24.8 million rubles (equivalent of $0.39 million). In a member of IEEE, an expert for the Foundation For Assistance To Small Innovative Enterprises (Russia).<br> <br> Speaks English and Russian, understands German.<br> <br> Profiles: <a href="">ResearchGate</a>, <a href="">ORCID</a>, LinkedIn, <a href="">Scopus</a>, <a href="">Google Scholar</a>.<br>

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