Assessment of the quality of the educational services provided at ANO HE "Innopolis University" survey
Assessment of the quality of the educational services provided at ANO HE "Innopolis University" survey
(the survey is based on the Evaluation Guidelines No. 02-860 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as of the 14th of September 2016 and is aimed to examine the opinion of the participants of the educational process on the quality of the conditions of the educational activities realization)
1. Transparency and accessibility of the information published on the official web site
1.1 Completeness and relevance of the information about Organization and its activity (choose an answer):
1.2 Availability of the data about the Faculty and Academic Staff of the Organization (choose an answer):
1.3 Facility of access to interact with educational services receivers via phone, e-mails, e-services including possibility to make proposals on organization's work improvement (choose an answer):
1.4 Transparency of the handling of public appeals under consideration (submitted by phone, e-mails, or e-services), choose an answer:
2. Amenities to conduct an educational activity
2.1 Logistics and information support of the Organization (choose an answer):
2.2 Conditions for the health promotion and catering services:
2.2.1 Rate the conditions for health protection and promotion (choose an answer):
2.2.2 Catering services for students (choose an answer):
2.3 Conditions for individual work with students (choose an answer):
2.4 Availability of the additional educational programs (choose an answer):
2.5 Possibility to develop creativity of students, including their participation in various competitions and Olympiads (both Russian and international ones), exhibitions, sports events, including official sports competitions and other public events:
2.6 Possibility for the students to get pedagogical, medical, and social help and support (choose an answer):
2.7 Conditions to provide training and education for students with disabilities and special needs (choose an answer):
3. Amiability, politeness and expertise of the employees
3.1 Amiability and politeness of the employees (choose an answer):
3.2 Employees’ expertise (choose an answer):
4. Satisfaction with the quality of educational process of the Organization
4.1. Satisfaction with the inventory and logistics management of the Organization (choose an answer):
4.2. Satisfaction with the quality of provided educational services (choose an answer):
4.3. Readiness to recommend Organization to relatives and friends (choose one answer)^